
Pornography and Respect for Women

Pornography is seen to be “morally objectionable … (that) degrades women as mere sex objects” while pornography is said to be a mere expression of sexuality. Explain the nature of pornography and give your reasons to why we should/should not exercise any form of censorship in this area.

Sex is an intimate physical activity between two people with different gender. Sex is the essential process for human to reproduce. And it is also an enjoyable thing for human because of the happiness during sex. In many places, people always avoid the topic of sex in conversations。And pornography is surely a taboo to their law, religion and culture. However, some people say pornography is just a kind of literature products. And some people also say that the exist of pornography is inevitable. However, I don’t think people should always be engaged by pornography, especially for us, teenagers should not touch it at all.

Firstly, the information that the women always enjoy to do that thing even when they are forced to do so at first is spread in it. People will have an illusion that all the women want to be raped. For teenagers, all the things in the pornography are new so that it is easy for them to be addict to it. The picture or video in it would affect teenagers a lot on their education of sexuality. And the image they have will remain for a long time in their brain so that their regular daily life will also be affected. Thus, pornography harm people in some way.

Secondly, the female rules in pornography are always the victim. They always the men’s order and the status of the female in pornography are always low. It is easy for people to treat female as a kind of sex animal However, it is totally a wrong expression to female in the pornography. The pornography degrades the status of women in our society, it can be considered as sexual discrimination. Thus, pornography can not be accepted by most of people especially for feminism.

However, pornography is not all bad. Sexual fantasies are human’s nature. And we can just consider pornography as a simple expression about this sexual fantasy. We like music so that we take part in the concert; we like tennis so that we watch tennis game. Some males love sexual fantasy, why can not they enjoy pornography. It is seem to be funny, however, that is the main reason why pornography exists till now. The pornography also provides an opportunity for the people who can not experience of having sex to have visual images.

In some ways, pornography may be good for some people. However, it still can not be exposed to public without any cover. Besides, it will lead the teenagers to a wrong road in their sexual education. It will also increase the rate of criminal, such as raping, among teenagers.

